Answers to our most frequently asked questions regarding Orders are just one click away.
Guest Checkout
Yes, this is currently an option. Simply enter your email address at checkout.
Order Status
You can track your order by using the TRACK ORDER tool. For the most up to date information and status of your order:
Cancel Your Order
We can only cancel your order if it has not been shipped yet. Please contact us at orders@runrocknrollstore.com ASAP to cancel your order.
Change Your Address
If you accidentally placed an order with the wrong name, zip-code, or address, be sure to contact us at orders@runrocknrollstore.com as soon as you can! We are unable to change the shipping address on an order if it has already been shipped. We are not responsible for an incorrect delivery if you provide the incorrect address in your order.
Change Your Order
We do not have the ability to add items to an order once it has been placed in our system. If your order has not shipped yet, we can remove item(s) from your order before it ships.